Saturday, December 20, 2008

Early Weigh In

Ok so it's Saturday. But I thought just for the heck of it I'd weigh in today. I usually sneak a peek a few days before anyway. But I was so surprised by today's number I had to write.

This past week has been crazy and busy. Monday I went all over shopping. Unfortunately I found nothing for myself. No I take that back I did buy myself some perfume I like. I have the knock off version, but I'm lovin the real thing. I looked for pants for work and only found one pair that I half way liked. Cute but not for work. I would've been in heaven if I had found a coat. I have a coat but it's not my style anymore. I want a nice grown up wool coat. Maybe next year.

Now the weigh in....Got on the scale for a sneak peek. Weighed in at 226. Very pleasantly surprised since I haven't been keeping track of my food as well as I know I should.

Happy Holidays to everyone!!!


Sabs said...

Wow! 6 pounds loss in one week? Amazing!

Ron said...

WTG Amy, Keep it up!!!

Tamzin said...

Nice job! Little changes make a big impact, glad to see you back blogging.
