Monday, April 27, 2009

monday weigh in

I had so much fun Saturday night and yesterday. We stayed up late watching movies and horsing around. Sunday we had a cook out and played badminton and board games. It was the most fun I've had in a while. I can't wait to do it again. Several people told me yesterday that I need a new pic on myspace because it doesn't really look like me anymore. I can tell in my face, in my hips, in my thighs, in my waist that I've lost.
This week I have been doing so good with the plan I set for myself. So when I got on the scale this morning I had a number in my head that I wanted to see. I told myself I wouldn't be upset if I wasn't there just yet. Got on the scale........

I was not disappointed. :) :) :) :) :) Weighed in today at 210. :) Total lost so far 30 lbs!! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday :)

3 miles today, 3 miles yesterday, 3 miles Thursday. Tomorrow I hope to get a walk in. I'm supposed to spend the night with friends tonight. I'm going to try to talk them into walking around their block. We'll see if it happens.
Some days I struggle with eating enough food...Oh the irony. I'm just not hungry like I used to be. Tuesday I was nearly done with my walk, I was about 1/2 block from home and I got really lightheaded. I felt like I was going to pass out. Got home ok, checked my sugar, and it was really low. I've been doing great with drinking all my water, 3 liters a day.
I'm can't wait for Monday to get here. I took a sneak peek yesterday and I'm really happy.
If I continue kickin ass like this, I should have no problem getting into Onederville by my birthday. :) :) :)
Time to hit the shower and get ready for work.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Just checking in since it's been a few days. Monday I walked 2 miles in 44 minutes. Tuesday I found this site and changed up the route and walked 2.36 miles in 45 minutes. Wed I talked myself out of walking because it was cold and rainy outside. Today I walked 3 miles in 62 minutes. First mile I took Rock and we finished in 22 minutes. We're improving.
Goal for Friday and Saturday is 3 miles each day. The weather is supposed to be beautiful here.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday weigh in

Wednesday I made bad food choices. Thursday I was determined to get back at plan meals and snacks better, to not make things I shouldn't have, etc.
Thursday was great, Friday even though work was insanely busy, I still did good.
Saturday work was beyond insane and hectic. But I still stuck with it and didn't cave to the pressure to eat my way through the stress. Sunday, again were super busy and I had several difficult people within the first 20 minutes, and I was hungry since I got up late and didn't have a proper breakfast. But I did grab almonds and string cheese on my way out of the house and that held me over.

I need to get my camera back and take progress pics. Since I can't do that at the moment I decided I should remeasure.

Beginning inches were

Waist........ 46
Hips.......... 45
Bust.......... 44
Chest........ 42 1/2
above knee....19
Upper thigh.... 26
Upper arm.. 15
Neck............ 17

Current inches are
Waist...45 1/2
Bust...43 1/2
Chest...41 1/2
Above knee...19
upper thigh..25
upper arm...14 1/2
neck...16 3/4
Total..........................249 3/4

For a difference of 4 3/4 inches. FYI arm and leg measurements I only counted one. I do have two arms and two legs though.

Beginning BMI was 37.6
Current BMI is........33.7

Another 25 lbs and I'll be overweight instead of obese. Whoohoo, can't wait.
Nothing to write home about but it's progress none the less.
And now for the moment we've all been waiting for.
Monday...Official weigh in....214 lbs.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yesterday I fell of the wagon. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'd say it was a combination of not being prepared and being frustrated/irritated.
I had made cookies to bring to work, plus I already had brownies that I really wanted to get out of my house. So I brought it all to work for everyone else. I neglected to bring something that I could have. On top of that I was having a bad day. I'm nearly maxed out on all my credit cards. I checked one yesterday and I'm over my limit due to them adding my annual fee this month. I feel like I can't win with the darn things. I'm not getting ahead.
Plus I think I'm a little jealous of the roomie. Quick recap...he and I used to be together. We broke up and neither of us can afford to live alone. So now we share a 2 bedroom apartment. We haven't been together for months. He has a new girlfriend already, just met her like a week ago.

But my tumble from the wagon was not as bad as it could have been.

I had 3 small cookies, a brownie and a sandwich on regular white bread at work. I stopped at the store on my way home from work. I was going to get more bad/sugary stuff to eat. I have really been wanting those orange sherbet push ups. Don't know why. But as I was looking for them I thought 'Why are you turning this into a full blown binge? A few cookies is not the end of the world'. I couldn't find them anyway and I didn't get anything else.
I woke up this morning with a a sugar hangover. But there will be no hair of the dog for me! LOL

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

I stepped on the scale right after I rolled out of bed. My eyes were still blurry and it was hard to focus. But I'm sure it said...

215 lbs !!
I love the way I feel when I totally eliminate sugar. I have more energy, I don't constantly feel hungry, my cravings for sugar are gone. I am a sugar addict in recovery.
The roomie tried to entice me with candy he had bought and I wasn't even the least bit tempted. I also mixed up a box of brownies for him (he's severely challenged in the kitchen) and I didn't take even the tiniest taste. I did however have a sugar free chocolate pudding cup after I was done.
Headed out right now for a stroll with the dog. Later I'm going to the movies with Smith and friends.

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Friday and I'm sore

No walk today....yet. I had an appointment early this morning. Then when I came out it was raining. If it clears up before I have to go to work I'll head out for a mile or two.
Last night I was really wishing I had started off slower. Too much too soon and I was so sore last night. My back, my legs, even my arms and shoulders hurt. The soreness wasn't all from walking though. The roomie and I have been in the process of switching bedrooms for almost a week now. I was off work yesterday so I finished it up, washed all the sheets and remade both beds. I slept so good last night too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

*gasp*....Two days in a row!

When the alarm went off this morning, I really didn't want to get up. Rock was giving me 'the look', so I had to let him out. Since I was up I thought I might as well get dressed. Well, when I let the dog back in he saw I had regular clothes and shoes on, so he started bouncing around. He loves to go out. Same as yesterday the first mile took me 25 minutes. I took Rock back home and went for one more. The 2nd mile took me 19 minutes. I will get 2 more miles in later since I don't work today.
For lunch at work yesterday, I had a salad so beautiful some of my co-workers were envious.
One woman I work with keeps telling me I don't need to lose any more weight. If she brings in cookies or candy and tries to make me lose my focus, I'll smack her......just kidding.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3 miles

I had decided a day or two ago that I really needed to kick things into high gear. The first 20 lbs was lost so slowly it was hardly noticed. I started this journey before Thanksgiving. Through the holidays my weight went up and down like a yo yo.
I have a birthday coming up soon and I want to be close to having another 20 lbs gone before I hit 31. So to get things rolling, I'm giving up sugar, bread, pasta, and potatoes for a month. And if the weather* stays decent I am going to walk a mile or two or three most days of the week.
Yesterday I ate food so good I didn't even miss the bread or fries.
I got up early today, got dressed, shoes on, got the dog and walked. I did the first mile in about 25 minutes. I dropped the dog off back at home, he was worn out after one mile. 20 minutes each for the 2nd and 3rd mile. Now I'm worn out, but it feels good.

*It snowed here yesterday. It pretty much melted right away. but still SNOW!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New low

I had a wonderful NSV yesterday. I went to work and not one but two of my co-workers said I really looked like I had lost quite a bit of weight. I see the number on the scale slowly go down, I feel better, I have more energy than before, and I know everyday I'm aware of what I put in my mouth. But I don't think I look like I've lost weight. It got me wondering if I had lost more. I don't weigh myself often. I hate the scale. If I were to get on everyday I would expect to see the number go down everyday. And then when it doesn't I get disappointed and want to give up.
But this morning I stepped on and got a new lower number than the last time....which is always a good thing.

Drum roll please....220 lbs this morning. 20 lbs lost, 20 more until I'm under 200. I haven't been under 200 since high school unless you want to count the time I had the flu and didn't eat for a week. I got under 200 until I got my appetite back.