Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hit the reset button

I can't find the words that express how freakin happy I am that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year are behind us. I gave in to the very tempting goodies. I caved to the stress of holiday shopping, family crisis, work issues, and the growing stack of bills. My lowest point was standing at the kitchen sink eating a big bowl of plain spagetti at 3 am. Yeah that's gonna help me sleep.
I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) so that doesn't help me. A couple of years ago it was so bad I thought my husband was going to commit me. I worked overnight, never saw the sun and I cried everynight when I was getting ready for work. The year after that wasn't as bad. I had normal hours at work. But I still went to the doctor and started Zoloft. That helped a lot.
Now I know a few things I can do that helps. Everyday as soon as I get up I'm opening curtains, raise the blinds on the kitchen door and stand there soaking up the sunlight while the dog does his thing. Exercise helps, I know I'm not walking enough to lose weight right now. But a 15 minute stroll around the block with the dog helps drive away the winter blues.
Things are lookin up. I'm close to finishing up two things that have been holding me back in other areas of my life.
I have more to say but I have to get ready for work...Yippie.



Tamzin said...

Happy New Year Amy,

I'm glad to see you posting! :) Sounds like you have a handle on your SAD, which is great. I've heard how terrible that can be.

Heres to a great 2009 for us both.


Ron said...

Happy New Year Amy, glad to see your post!